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(O) Permission: estools.warps.manage

/warps <add/set>

/warps <add/set> <warpname> [LOCAL/global] [x] [y] [z] [yaw] [pitch]

Player only command

Creates or sets (overrides if it already exists) a warp location. warpname cannot contain spaces. Local/Global defaults to local. A local warp is meant to only be used from the same world whereas global warps can be used from any world.

If you specify either x, y or z you must specify all 3, you cannot just specify one.

/warps list

/warps list

Player only command

Sends the list of all created warps in the server.

/warps remove

/warps remove <warpname>

Removes the specified warp. The warp will no longer be able to be used.

See /warp for information on using warps.

Last modified: 20 May 2024