EsTools Docs Help


Minimum Version: NONE
(O) Permission: estools.fix

/fix [hand/offhand/helmet/chestplate/leggings/boots/all] [player]

Fully restores the durability of the specified item for the specified player. The item defaults to hand. Player defaults to the executor. Console must specify player.


hand (Minimum Version: NONE):
The item in the player's main hand.

offhand (Minimum Version: 1.9):
The item in the player's offhand.

helmet (Minimum Version: NONE):
The item in the player's helmet armor slot.

chestplate (Minimum Version: NONE):
The item in the player's chestplate armor slot.

leggings (Minimum Version: NONE):
The item in the player's leggings armor slot.

boots (Minimum Version: NONE):
The item in the player's boots armor slot.

all (Minimum Version: NONE):
Every item in the player's inventory, including the armor slots.

Last modified: 07 May 2024