EsTools Docs Help


Minimum Version: 1.14
(O) Permission: estools.bukkitdata

/bukkitdata <get/remove>

/bukkitdata <get/remove> <key>

Player only command

Gets or Removes a Bukkit persistent data value from the executor's held item. The key MUST be the name of the plugin that set the data COLON the key specified by the plugin, like this: pluingname:mykey.

/bukkitdata set

/bukkitdata set <key> <type> <value>

Player only command

Creates or overrides a Bukkit persistent data value from the executor's held item. The key MUST be the name of the plugin that set the data COLON the key specified by the plugin, like this: pluingname:mykey.

Type must be the data type of the value, see below for a list of valid types, also note that this field tab completes the full list of valid types. Finally, value is what the key should be set to, it must be the type that was specified in <type>, for example if you specify integer then the value must be a whole number.

Data Types

  • string

  • integer

  • double

  • float

  • long

  • short

  • byte

  • byte_array (Values separated with space)

  • int_array (Values separated with space)

  • long_array (Values separated with space)

Last modified: 01 August 2024